Beverly McNabb
Flying Geese and Morning Star
Artist Statement
Quilting is a traditional art form in my family
history. Both grandmothers were settler
Canadians who were skilled in sewing
techniques and produced beautiful quilts as part
of their creative repertoire.
Mom’s mom embroidered beautifully, and Dad’s
mom, my Oma, cross-stitched many quilt tops
for her own home use and as lovingly made
gifts. Oma, who after emigrating to Canada and
learning to sew as an adult, became a
professional seamstress, and from her I learned
both the art of pressing and sewing.
I chose to use vintage materials that would be
traditional for a baby quilt, both in colour and
scale. This mask is made from a quilt square
originally created for a baby quilt, to lovingly
swaddle a newborn. The square has been
repurposed now to offer loving protection from
the virus that has been ravaging the world.
The flying geese design represents the Canada
Goose, a creature we’ve encountered daily this
spring whose babies we have enjoyed watching
The star design recalls the moving Morning Star
quilt in the recent Call to Action #83:Round Two
art exhibit.
The satin ribbon which would secure the mask
recalls the satin edging on blankets that have
tucked children into bed for generations.
The reverse side includes a pocket opening that
allows the insertion of a third layer of virus
protection if needed.
I am grateful for the opportunity to create this art
piece. It has given me purpose and meaning in
this unprecedented time. To be part of this
online community of artists creatively responding
to the pandemic has been a blessing. It has
been a way to honour the strength, resilience
and creativity of my grandmothers and given me
the priviledge of appreciating the heritage and
resilience of my Canadian sisters and brothers.