Towanna Miller
Corona Covid
Artist Statement
Title: Corona Covid
Mask created during the 2020 Corona Virus Pandemic. Beaded using flat style, peyote stitch and Iroquois raised beadwork. The inside is made of pleather, has holes underneath to breath and beak is open to place medicinal herbs inside. The middle layer is a thick felt. The outside is made of velveteen adorned with Iroquois beaded vines and purple flowers outlined in turquoise blue. The muse of inspiration was a crow which was beaded flat style in the center of the hat. The brim of the hat is peyote beaded. A pair of sunglasses were used for the tinted round eyes. The mask has three straps to secure to the head with buckles on the side for adjustment. Jingle Cone used for the tip of the beak.
Artist Statement:
I have to admit that I have a dark side. I enjoy horror movies and the paranormal. I wanted my mask to reflect the time. For me, I have always incorporated the past into my work. Long ago they had plague masks with medicinal herbs put inside. To me they always look like birds. The Crow was now my muse. I like that face that my mask has a darkness to it sprinkled with beauty, just like the time we are now in. Surrounded by so much darkness like death and sickness yet if you look around we do have beauty in our lives such as kindness and generosity.